Connecting and engaging the Emerging Generation of India
In order to understand the emerging generation of India we decided to conduct an HCD process where 'H' stands for Hearing, 'C' for Create and 'D' for deliver. For the hearing part of the HCD we selected two metros - Bangalore and Kolkata. The hearing interviews were conducted in some of the strategic and prime campuses in these two cities for a period of five months starting from July 2010. The interview had series of probing and wide open questions on various aspects of a student’s life ranging from friends , family, finances to future. The interviewer took time to observe, listen and hear keenly rather than just conducting a survey. A total of 250 students were interviewed from the two cities and the hearing process has thrown out some interesting findings about the emerging generation of students in India. Some key findings : Almost 75% of the students interviewed said that their major leisure activity and idea of fun was hanging out with friends. 70% o...