Shepherd Leaders Vs Selfish Leaders
When we see a good model of christian leadership we love it, we celebrate it and we automatically levitate to it and want to emulate it but the fact is that it is on the list of endangered species. We see an increasing number of bad models in christian leadership around us and sadly it is not because of the lack of awareness, teaching or training that is available, in fact there are innumerable books, articles, podcasts and materials all around us on this one topic of christian leadership, but things are not getting any better. I firmly believe the the best place to look at is the Bible and one word that is constantly used in the old testament for leaders is Shepherds. “Human, prophesy against the leaders of Israel, who are like shepherds" Ezekiel 34:2; " Many shepherds have ruined My vineyard, They have trampled down My field; They have made My pleasant field A desolate wilderness ." Jer 2:10; " And David shepherded them with integrity of hear...