It is time to switch off that Tape
I am not good, I am a failure, or we would have heard from someone, you are a curse for this family, you will never succeed in life, you mess up everything that you touch, can you do any thing properly, looser!! Or it might be, no my sins are not forgiven, i still have guilt feelings, God has not completely forgiven me, does God really love me? I have this weakness and I am addicted to it, I cannot get out of that weakness. I have inferiority feeling's, I don't have confidence, I cannot stand and speak before others, I am not smart like others, why am I not like my other successful friends? why is God not blessing me? Will I loose my salvation? I am worried and anxious about my future. Stop a moment, try and listen, we might hear it. These are the lie tapes running in our mind all the time, we hear it, we wrestle with it and for many of us we tend to believe these blatant lies even though we are washed by the blood of Jesus and...