Finding God’s Purpose for your Life
Have you ever wondered as a child of God what does God want to accomplish with your life? Have you struggled with this thought, “am I in the right place, doing the right thing, am I fulfilling Gods purpose for my life?” Well if you have then you are in right company, many of the heroes of faith have also struggled with this. Some of them have asked this existential question quite openly and found answers from God. Some of us has successfully navigated that maze and are finding ourselves in the right place, maximising all the God-given potential for His Glory, some of us are still groping in the dark, uncertain if this is what God has created me for. As we look at the heroes of faith in the Bible we can see many of them articulating their life’s longing, their desire and their very purpose in their own words. It was Joseph who said that in spite of the evil that the brothers had intended God had turned it out for Good, He sent me here ahead of you to save lives of many...