Progressive Christianity and the Church on a slippery slope – warning signs to watch out for
The effects of post- modern and post-liberal theology on the church in general and on the Christian faith has been slow but steady and the signs are ominously becoming visible each passing day. This slow churning has resulted in a form of progressive Christianity which brilliantly camouflages in myriad ways, often very subtle and not easily recognisable or identifiable by even well-meaning Christians. Remember it is always packaged as progressive and colourful as the bible calls it “wolf in sheep’s clothing”. It is not easy to pinpoint these half-truths and grey lies even for a well trained eye as it does not hold out as a coherent systematic thought or theology. It has embedded itself, widely scattering in different aspects of historic Christian faith making those slight twists and turns of deception. But the fact is that these deceptive teachings have deeply impacted and confused the body of Christ in such a way that we will find ourselves in no time on a dangerou...