
Showing posts from June 10, 2018

The Prize - Under Pressure

Once again what Pele, the great footballer called as the "beautiful game" is here, the greatest spectacle on Terra-firma, fans madly rooting for their  countries and going crazy about Messi, Ronaldo and Neymar. Excitement, triumph and  tears will be witnessed.  Sleeplessness nights before the small screen has commenced. But have you ever wondered what goes on in the minds of these superstar-gladiator like footballers? Their struggles, pain and the tremendous amount of pressure of expectations to win, perform or perish; How do they respond when they come face to face with tremendous pressure?  What gives them the inner strength to overcome that kind of pressure?  What is the ultimate Prize?  Is it winning the world cup or is there something more to life than that? Is there a greater purpose to life? To find out...... Watch Six amazing footballers talk about their life, how they overcame pressure and how they won the ultima...

Who is the Greatest?

A question which many of us mere mortals constantly struggle with? A question that has the propensity to make ordinary well-meaning people to compete, cut down, indulge in power play and dirty politics ultimately culminating in divisions, conflicts and destruction. This is not a question limited to the so called dog eat dog secular world of corporate, professional or political arena. This is very much a reality and a part and parcel of the Christian world. In fact the question, “Who is the greatest?” was asked by none other than the disciples of Jesus. We read that in Luke 9:46 and Mathew 18:1. This was not the first time that question was raised, many centuries ago Aaron and Miriam had asked a similar sounding question to Moses in Numbers 12:1, where they ask, “Is Moses the only one that God Speaks through? Hasn’t He spoken through us?” and if you go back in time to the roots and try to trace the origin of this question we will end up in Isaiah 14:12-17 which records the fa...

Lord of the Chair

There is this memorable scene in the “Lord of the Rings” movie where at one point Gollum, the little hideous looking fellow bites off the ring from Frodo and as he looks into it, he gets enamored with it, his facial expression changes and he completely turns into someone else, jumping around on the ledge with ecstasy and ultimately plummets to his death with the ring, it is a powerful scene where the director, Peter Jackson brings out the power of the ring, wielding tremendous influence on the person who wears it. The simple, innocuous chair has similar effect on people, chairs come in all sizes and shapes- there are revolving chairs, push back chairs, ergonomically designed chairs, plush leather upholstered chairs etc. The higher the pedestal, power and prominence the chair carries; the greater the attraction for people to occupy it. Chairs have this magnetic propensity that, it is irresistible for mortal human beings to keep away from the temptation of sitting on it by hoo...