
Showing posts from January 8, 2012

Cross - broken Leaders

God's school of leadership always produces Cross-broken servant leaders. Take a look at this list. From Privilege to Pit at the age of 17, from Prison   to Palace at the age of 30 - Joseph the prime minister of Egypt. From being Prince at the age of 40 to Shepherd   for forty years and to being one of the greatest servant leaders at the age of 80 - Moses the deliverer of Israelite's. From Shepherd boy to king-in-waiting to a Fugitive and then becoming the greatest King of Israel at the age of 30 - David the man after God's own heart. From an ordinary Fisherman to Follower to Denier to being the first Preacher of the Church to chief of Apostles - Apostle Peter.  From being a Pharisee  to Persecutor to the greatest Proclaimer and Missionary - Paul the evangelist. All these men where chosen by God for a purpose and put through the grind to be molded and shaped to be humble and broken instruments in His hands.It took some of them many y...

A Sinister Plot

Satan got together all his cronies for a world wide conference. This was a global conference of all the princes, rulers and powers of darkness, evil spirits, demons and the entire fallen angelic hosts. The agenda of the conference was to evaluate and take stock of their major work of stopping the 'Name' being spread to the unheard, unreached and closed parts of the world.  Satan was fuming, all worked up and in an irritable mood as he watched the flash presentation of how the Name of Jesus Christ is spreading rapidly and how the followers are taking this name and preaching about it, risking their lives and are joyfully willing to die for the Name. As the scenes of each follower of Jesus being martyred came up there was a round of loud cheering and clapping and that particular prince of that region or country who orchestrated the event stood up to acknowledge the ovation without a clue of the ramifications of shedding the blood of a saint which is the seed o...