
Showing posts from July 3, 2011

Cure of Anxiety

Being anxious and worried is the most common problem that many Christians face in their daily life. Being worried about tomorrow, worried about your children, worried about finances, worried about your job, worried about your future, your health it can go on and on, an endless list of worries.The funny thing is that in most of these cases we don't have much control over it, we cannot change anything about tomorrow, we don't control it. That is exactly why Jesus asked this question, "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Have you ever stopped for a moment to ponder on this question. It is only then that we realize the futility of worrying. We are in fact taking off precious hours from our life by worrying. Being anxious adversely affects our life, our health, our outlook and also it affects the people around us. No one likes to be around a person who is chronically worried about different things in his life an eternal pessimist, a perennial complai...