Countering the pervasive culture
Is it okay for a worship leader to be in a live-in relationship and still be leading worship? Is it okay for a Christian leader to have an extramarital affair and continue to lead? Is it okay for a believer to be in a same sex relationship? What do you say when a Christian leader misappropriates ministry funds for personal gains and continues to be in leadership? How can a believer be addicted to pornography and go on as usual? Is it okay to get a tattoo done on our body because even Joyce Meyers wants to get one? Is it okay for a believer to live in sin? How do you respond when a mega church pastor says that he needs a private jet to travel around and he mischievously twists the word of God to convince his people to finance it? What do you do when you hear about rampant corruption, power politics, manipulations, sexual immorality, false teachings and absolute lack of integrity among so-called brethren? Is it okay to live without any ethics, personal integrity, morality...