Countering the pervasive culture
Is it okay for a worship leader to be in a live-in relationship and still be leading worship? Is it okay for a Christian leader to have an extramarital affair and continue to lead? Is it okay for a believer to be in a same sex relationship? What do you say when a Christian leader misappropriates ministry funds for personal gains and continues to be in leadership? How can a believer be addicted to pornography and go on as usual? Is it okay to get a tattoo done on our body because even Joyce Meyers wants to get one? Is it okay for a believer to live in sin? How do you respond when a mega church pastor says that he needs a private jet to travel around and he mischievously twists the word of God to convince his people to finance it? What do you do when you hear about rampant corruption, power politics, manipulations, sexual immorality, false teachings and absolute lack of integrity among so-called brethren? Is it okay to live without any ethics, personal integrity, morality or biblical values and still claim to be a believer or a spiritual leader?
These are not hypothetical questions. These are tell-tale
signs of a pervading culture that is steadily and blatantly seeping into our
churches, ministries and Christian homes right before our eyes. We see it, we read
and hear about it, the secular media showcases it and the social media
spews it out for the whole world to see. We feel outraged, angry, perturbed,
indignant, sad and heart broken. We sometimes wish if we could do what Jesus
did in the temple, Where He took the whip and chased out the sellers and
traders from the temple and cleansed His father's house. How we wish we could
do that, but that is only for the Son of God to do, not our job and for sure He
is going to do a complete job of that when He returns.
But then who are we to judge, who are we to take
the moral high ground? We too are sinners saved by His grace right! As Apostle
John says, if we say we have no sin, we are basically liars. We
are no better, but then we think in a comparative degree and claim we are
better, our sins are not that big, like the ones mentioned above, so
that gives us some kind of legitimacy to judge and cast aspersions. But is that
true? Bible says that God is the Judge, Is 33:2, James 4:12, then who are
we to judge His people and His servants.
So then what are we to do? Be a passive watch-man, a
silent spectator, or as some would say, “just ignore it!! It is not my
problem, I am doing okay.” But that is not what we see in the scripture,
prophets after prophets coming in quick succession and calling out the sins of
the people and leaders and asking them to repent, we see it again in the
gospels when Jesus confronts the Pharisees and spiritual leaders of His time,
rebuking them and asking them to repent. Again we see Apostle Paul confronting the
terrible sins among the Corinthian believers in 1 Corinthians chapter 3-6. So then
what does all this tell us? How are we to respond when we see and hear
about this sickeningly pervasive culture ravenously eating into the body of
Christ and completely tarnishing our credibility in its wake? Well here
are three things that we can do as an integral part of the body of Christ.
PRAY: Don't
laugh at me for coming back to this, don't take this lightly. As I have repeated
so many times, there is nothing more powerful in this universe as the
prayers of saints.
- We are called to pray for the body of Christ. James 5:16; 1Jn 5:16; Ephesus 6:18.
- We are commanded to pray for our leaders. 1Tim 2:2.
- We are the body of Christ, If it hurts in one part the whole body is in pain, if there is cancer in one part it affects all of us. 1Cor 12:26
- Pray for a revival, what we need is a renewed vision and revived hearts. 2 Chro 7:14 “If my people … will pray …then I will heal the land”.
- Pray for a massive out-pouring of the Holy Spirit, for His convicting work and a thorough cleaning from all the filth.
- Pray for great reverence and a passion for Holiness and purity among believers and leaders.
MODEL: Be the
change you want to see.
In Hebrews 12:2 we are called to run our race that is
set before us, laying aside every sin that so easily entangles us, fixing our
eyes on Jesus alone. One oft repeated statement is, “everyone else is
doing it, even the leaders are doing it so I too will follow suit” that is
a terrible principle to adopt. Instead if we say, “whatever happens
around me I am going to live by the book, the word of God” a principle that
will never fail. Counter and challenge the pervading culture and let our
lives be the example.
But do this in gentleness and respect, out of love to restore, not to condemn. As
Ephesians 4:15 says, speak the truth in love. If we know the person, he is someone
close to us and we are hearing some allegations or rumors about him, or if
we are certain that he is fallen in some kind of sin, instead of talking
to someone else and making things worse, take time to talk to him, clarify
and check if what we heard is true or just hearsay and help him to correct and
come out of it, if he is willing and open to it. Then pray with him and for him
and walk alongside to see him restored. That is being a true brother!
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