How can a young man keep his ways pure?
Recently one young man with whom I am on a spiritual Journey asked
me, “bro, tell me how can I live a holy life, how can I stay pure?”
This is probably the most pertinent question that has been troubling young men
who long to live a life pleasing to the lord. In the longest Psalm that King
David wrote; Psalm 119 verse 9, he raises this same profound question and then he goes on to answer
it by making it look so simple, “by keeping it
according to your word”.
One starts wondering, what! Is that so easy? I have been trying my best, but
somehow missing the mark, I can’t figure out where exactly I am going wrong. How
on earth can I keep all of God’s words and be pure?
Every young believer, whom I have come across, genuinely desires
to live a life that is holy and pure, the intentions are all there and it is
good but most of them fail miserably, it is a struggle for many- falling,
failing and scrambling to stand up somehow and moving forward. Well that might
be the summary of most of our lives right? But is that what we were meant for,
when Jesus said, “I have come that you might have life and that you might
have it abundantly” (John
10:10b) Most youngsters
wonder, is that ‘abundant, overflowing, adventurous’ life that Jesus is
offering a mirage or an unrealistic distant dream. What exactly did He mean by abundant
life? Well before we answer that let us look at what keeps us bogged down? What
are somethings which are seriously hindering our desire to live pure lives?
In the book of Hebrews chapter 12 verse one; the writer talks about running the race that
is set before each of us, by laying aside every encumbrance and the sin which
so “easily entangles”. We are called to throw away every hindrance and the sin
that clings to us. For any young man living in such a time as this where you
are permeated with sex, immorality and
every conceivable sin just at the swipe of your finger, the question
assumes utmost significance. Even though ‘the Sin that so easily entangles’
here refers mainly to the ‘sin of unbelief’, I am using this in a general sense
of any sin that so easily entangles our feet and trips us down which is all
around us and young men need to beware and be on the alert always.
Sins that easily entangles a young man:
v Pornography – young or old, no man
can claim total immunity from this vicious sin. We are living in a sexually
explicit world where even the advertisements for biscuits are not spared from
sexual innuendos. It is lurking around the corner waiting to pop up on our
mobiles, iPad’s and desktops. It comes in, dressed up most of the time as
innocuous looking websites that suddenly changes dress and drags the
unsuspecting prey into its vicious grip and makes him a slave. It usually
starts as soft porn where I have often heard youngsters say, it is okay, it is
not explicit and it is just bawdy and funny. Many of them who started there
have graduated to the explicit X-rated ones in no time. With all the protection
software’s and firewalls installed, still this plague can creep into our
systems and trap us if we are lax even for a second. When seasoned pastors and Christian leaders
are falling prey to this cancerous disease it is difficult to expect a young
energetic man to stay safe playing with this fire.
Research have proven
that a single pornographic image can remain in our minds for many years and
watching porn can seriously affect our brain, our sexuality and our spiritual
life. The addictive nature of pornography is proven beyond dispute. Just
as a drug user must consume greater and more powerful quantities of drugs to
achieve the same “high,” pornography drags a person deeper and deeper into
hard-core sexual addictions and ungodly desires. Perhaps more than anything else, Satan
has succeeded in twisting and perverting sex. He has taken what is God
intended, good and right (loving sex between a husband and wife) and replaced
it with lust, pornography and adultery. Pornography can be the first step on a
very slippery slope of ever-increasing sexual immorality. It perverts our
understanding of Sex and distorts the image of women, who is created in the
image of God to a mere sexual object to satisfy our lust.
For those young believers who are trapped in this poisonous
web there is an escape, there is victory for them in Jesus. He has already won
it for us on the cross, we need only to appropriate it. All you need to do is Reboot,
Renew and Rewire.
§ Reboot – Acknowledge that you have a problem
with pornography and that you are living a life of sin and lies. Confess your
sins to God (1John 1:9) Repent – take a u turn and don’t go back that way again.
Jesus has paid with His death on the cross for all your sins.
§ Renew –
ask God to cleanse, renew and transform your mind (Romans 12:2) Guard and check
your thoughts (Philippians 4:8) Surrender wholly to the power of the Holy Spirit
to Guide you. (Ephesians 5:18)
§ Rewire – Stay away from sites and
circumstances that tempt you, limit your time on net, gadgets or books that
leads you to that road. Install protection software’s on your systems that will
block and keep off unwanted sites. Most importantly have a friend whom you
trust to hold you accountable and pray for you.
v Masturbation – An
oft repeated question that I hear from some of the young men I mentor is,
“brother, is masturbation a Sin? What does the Bible say about it?” Well, it is
sort of a tricky question, as Bible does not explicitly mention about
masturbation or whether it is a sin or not? But while the bible does not state
anything explicitly on this, there is no doubt about the fact that, the
thoughts and actions leading to masturbation is sinful. It is proven beyond
doubt that the very act of masturbation is the result of lustful thoughts, sexual
fantasies or stimulus from pornographic images which are outright sinful. It
emanates from a very selfish, lustful desire to satisfy oneself outside the God
intended way of sex between a husband and wife in marriage. So will you still
hesitate to call that a sin?
This is one topic that has remained taboo in Christian circles,
many Christians recoil from discussing and dealing with it and sadly youngsters
go to the so called worldly experts or friends to clear their doubts and land
up with wrong conclusions. I have seen many youngsters living in years of shame
and guilt, tormented that they cannot open it up with a believer fearing condemnation
or being judged.
As it is said, “you sow a thought - you reap and action; sow an
action – reap a habit and sow a habit – reap a character”. It all begins
when a little seed of a lustful thought germinates into an action which blooms
into a habit. As Proverbs 4:23 says, “above all else guard your hearts with all diligence
for from it flows the springs of life” again in Mathew 15:19
we are reminded, “For
out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality,
theft, false testimony, and slander”. We need to guard our thoughts and make it pass through the
filter of Philippians
4:8, whether it is true, noble, right, pure,
lovely or excellent.
Further, we need to remember that our bodies have been
redeemed and they belong to God. “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the
Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your
own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honour God with your body”
(I Corinthians
6:19-20). So does the act of
masturbation honour's God with your bodies? You would definitely agree that it dishonours God in a big way. Then why continue to live that lie which only leads to guilt, shame and mental agony, the
sooner you get out of it, the safer you are from mental, spiritual and physical
repercussions. Anyone who is addicted to pornography and the resultant act of masturbation
is sure to face long term adverse effects on his sexuality, marriage and
thought process which will seriously affect his future.
v Sexual Promiscuity - or
sexual immorality is any type of sexual relationships or sexual expressions
outside the boundaries of a biblically defined marriage relationship. It is
primarily used of pre-marital sexual relationship. This is so pervasive in our
society today that it is not just the youngsters who are falling prey to it, it
has not spared the Christian leaders too.
recent news item in one of the Christian news magazine was only pointing to this
trend when it reported about a senior pastor in Florida, USA, who recently authored a book focused on issues of “godly
manhood”, was sent running naked for his life after one of his parishioners
found him in bed with his wife and later he had the shameless audacity to say that he will
not resign as God has already forgiven him. If that is the case with the so
called Christian leaders then it is no surprise to find youngsters as sitting
ducks to this evil that so easily entangles.
Sexual promiscuity is rampant among the present
day youngsters in high schools and colleges and many young believers are increasingly
falling prey to this evil. It usually starts
with a casual love affair, terribly inspired by our own Bollywood, kollywood or
whatever desi-wood that might be and as they progress, all boundaries are thrown
in the wind and they end up in some kind of sexual activity which they call
experimenting or a casual fling. It is alarming to hear from increasing number
of young believers that they have already experienced some kind of sexual activity
before marriage and have involved in promiscuous sex. Very often the excuses
are, we love each other, we are planning to marry, times have changed, we need
to know if we are compatible before we marry, God understands, I have confessed
it etc.
In 1 Corinthians
6:18 we are commanded, “to flee from sexual immorality, all other
sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against
his own body”. God abhors sexual immorality and the Bible is full of
constant warnings against this one sin. It is compared to idolatry, the bodies
of believers are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Pagan idolatry very often
involved sexually immoral practices and when a believer is involved in sexual
immorality he is doing the very same thing with his body (the temple of God) which
is detestable to God. God commands us to be Holy because He is holy (1Peter 1:16)
and to “be holy” simply means to “be set apart” set apart from
sin, set apart for God’s purposes. We are vessels set apart by God for special
purposes, made holy, useful to our master. (2 Tim 2:20-23)
is Gods sacred gift to mankind and it is to be enjoyed in the covenant
relationship of marriage between one man and one women. Abuse of this gift in
any way outside of marriage is sin and God takes that seriously. Young men, it
is really dangerous for you to abuse this gift and if you seriously love
someone you would genuinely respect that person and protect her integrity and
wait patiently till marriage. Remember the words of the wise man in Proverbs 6:27,
“can a
man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned.” Let
me conclude with the words of King David in Psalm 119 verse 11, “I have hidden
your words in my heart that I might not sin against you”
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