" Perfect"
Wow! This is a word that we women (guess some men too) are sometimes so caught up with. Trying to be the perfect girl, teenager, lady, wife, daughter-in law, mother and what not, has always been the dream of many . And if you are any thing like me then its just another impossible dream like many others. I have read umpteen number of books on 'How to' but all that it sounded in my ears while reading them was "BORING". My! it does ring quite loud too. Sorry, maybe it just too much information for me to handle. You know, as a person I just like to see the books not that neatly aligned,love to wear that crumpled shirt or build a tent under the dining table for my kids to play with.I just love to live life just as it comes. But alas the world doesn't go that way. You need to be in time for meetings,you are expected to be prim and proper and not climb trees when you are forty, sent kids to school on time, take care of meals, keep a good house, fulfill all your family ...