From Spiritual Movement to a Monument - Warning signs to watch out for

Many so called spiritual movements that started out forty to fifty years back with much passion and fervour, have ceased to be movements today, I am not going to name them, but you might definitely know some of them. Many are on the verge of becoming fossilised relics with nothing to show other than their past glory and their dilapidated buildings and properties for which the present members are shamelessly bickering and fighting lawsuits for the spoils. Many have died painful slow death with the passing away of their original founders and leaders. Some of them are on life support, struggling to keep afloat with the changing times and few of them are hurtling towards the black hole of no return blissfully unaware of their condition or seeming to be not aware? But some of them like the sons of Issachar, "men who understood the times" have been careful to reinvent, revive and replenish their movements to come back with even greater passion and vision to remain on the cu...