
Showing posts from September 9, 2012

Spiritual Burn-out

Are you feeling that there is something amiss in your spiritual life? You get this funny feeling that there is some thing wrong but you are not able to nail down what it is. Lack of motivation! finding yourself pushing too hard, but constantly fire fighting, juggling options, struggling to meet deadlines, trying out different strategies in work & missions but most of them falling flat, hundreds of things to do but not able to concentrate on one, feels as if people are expecting too much from you and dumping their work on you, of lately has lost your cool often, that too on trivial matters especially on your family; not able to enjoy your quiet time and your conversations with your wife is progressively getting to monosyllables, feel as if your children are craving too much of your time and attention,suddenly there is a feeling of insecurity and anxiousness; there is this premonition that you are on a performance track or on a rat race trying to out-smart, out-scheme and out-class...

"Live-in relationships" what does the Bible say?

"Is it wrong for a couple to live together before marriage?"   The answer to this question depends somewhat on what is meant by “living together.” If it means having sexual relations, it is definitely wrong. Premarital sex is repeatedly condemned in Scripture, along with all other forms of sexual immorality ( Acts 15:20 ; Romans 1:29 ; 1 Corinthians 5:1 ; 6:13 , 18 ; 7:2 ; 10:8 ; 2 Corinthians 12:21 ; Galatians 5:19 ; Ephesians 5:3 ; Colossians 3:5 ; 1 Thessalonians 4:3 ; Jude 7 ). The Bible promotes complete abstinence outside of (and before) marriage. Sex before marriage is just as wrong as adultery and other forms of sexual immorality, because they all involve having sex with someone you are not married to. If “living together” means living in the same house, that is perhaps a different issue. Ultimately, there is nothing wrong with a man and a woman living in the same house—if there is nothing immoral taking place. However, the problem arises in that there ...

Is homosexuality a sin?

There is probably no other topic that produces such angry and hateful replies as homosexuality. Saying that homosexuality is a sin is probably the ultimate taboo in current society, even standing the risk of being labeled a fanatic, intolerant person. The question of whether homosexuality is a sin has become the “third rail,” if you touch it, you will be electrocuted! Those who are promoting the homosexual agenda purposefully attack with over-the-top outrage and vitriol in order to frighten and discourage Christians from speaking out on the issue. If you believe homosexuality is a sin, you hate homosexuals. If you believe what the Bible says about homosexuality, you are a hateful, homophobic bigot. The gay rights movement has gone far beyond fighting for equal rights. They are now, in fact, fighting to take away the free speech rights of those with whom they disagree. How long before it becomes illegal to say that homosexuality is a sin? How long before the search engi...

Premarital Sex – What Does the Bible Say?

 Many people believe that Bible does not say much about premarital sex, some even go to the extent of saying that it approves this behavior. Well the Bible has a lot to say about this topic in fact it condemns premarital sex hundreds of times!” The Greek word porneia is most often translated “sexual immorality” or “fornication” in the New Testament. Some translations consistently render porneia as “fornication” in order to differentiate it from “adultery.” The word “fornication,” in modern English, primarily carries the idea of premarital sex / sex before marriage. However, porneia does not actually refer, explicitly, to premarital sex. It actually referred to sexual perversion in general. Greek literature from the approximate time period as the New Testament used porneia to refer to prostitution, homosexuality, adultery, incest, and other sexual perversions. So, we should not necessarily read “premarital sex” into every occurrence of porneia in the New Testament....

Finding purpose in life

"What does the Bible say about how to find purpose in life?" The Bible is very clear as to what our purpose in life should be. Men in both the Old and New Testaments sought for and discovered life’s purpose. Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, discovered the futility of life when it is lived only for this world. He gives these concluding remarks in the book of Ecclesiastes: "Here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil" ( Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 ). Solomon says that life is all about honoring God with our thoughts and lives and thus keeping His commandments, for one day we will stand before Him in judgment. Part of our purpose in life is to fear God and obey Him. Another part of our purpose is to see life on this earth in perspective. Unlike those whose focus is on this life, King David...