Leading Change: The Nuts and Bolts of it
As an old adage goes, “the only person who wants change is a baby with a wet diaper”. Let us face it, most of us don’t like change, we love our comfort zones, we like our routines, most of us given the option would rather follow the well-trodden path than take the trouble of pioneering or exploring a new one and for some of us even a slight change in our routines might put us off. History is replete with stories of companies or organisations who failed to innovate or change, ultimately losing out in the race and becoming redundant or dead. If change is so allergic for us then imagine the prospect of “ leading ” change; that is not a great place to be in. But whether we like it or not, if one is convinced about the need for change and if our very survival or growth hinges on it, then we have no other option other than to dive in and lead it. I had the God given privilege of helping lead change in our movement few years’ back- one was a change initiative in our organisati...