Shepherd Leaders Vs Selfish Leaders

When we see a good model of christian leadership we love it, we celebrate it and we automatically levitate to it and want to emulate it but the fact is that it is on the list of endangered species. We see an increasing number of bad models in christian leadership around us and sadly it is not because of the lack of awareness, teaching or training that is available, in fact there are innumerable books, articles, podcasts and materials all around us on this one topic of christian leadership, but things are not getting any better. I firmly believe the the best place to look at is the Bible and one word that is constantly used in the old testament for leaders is Shepherds. “Human, prophesy against the leaders of Israel, who are like shepherds"  Ezekiel 34:2;  "Many shepherds have ruined My vineyard, They have trampled down My field; They have made My pleasant field A desolate wilderness."Jer 2:10;  "And David shepherded them with integrity of heart;    with skillful hands he led them".Ps 78:72.
Jesus is our Chief Shepherd and the Good shepherd and we as leaders are called to be under-shepherds of His flock. There is a desperate need for under-shepherd leaders in the church today and God's eyes are going to and fro through out the whole earth to show himself strong and mighty on behalf of those shepherds whose hearts are completely loyal to him. What a shepherd leader ought to be and what he should not be is elaborated by Prophet Ezekiel. Here is a comparative look at shepherd leaders and selfish leaders from Ezekiel chapter 34
Shepherd leaders tend to the flock; selfish leaders tend to devour the flock.
Shepherd leaders take good care of the sheep; selfish leaders are taken good care by the sheep.
Shepherd leaders gather the flock and watch over them; selfish leaders scatters the flock and Lords over them.
Shepherd leaders nurse and treat the injured and persecuted flock; selfish leaders use the injured and persecuted as showpieces to promote their own benefit,
Shepherd leaders love and develop their flock; selfish leaders “use and throw” the flock.
Shepherd leaders provide for the sheep; selfish leaders, the sheep provides for them.
Shepherd leaders exists for the sheep and helps them thrive; the sheep exists for the selfish leaders to thrive.
Shepherd leaders nurse, protect and take special care of the young, weak and old sheep, selfish leaders neglect, trample down and discard the weak and old ones.
Shepherd leaders makes sure that the sheep gets to eat and drink first; selfish leaders make sure that they eat and drink the best sumptuous food first and the sheep is left to take care of themselves.
Shepherd leaders leads the way and shows the way; selfish leaders always stays at the back and abandons the sheep and runs away at the slightest hint of trouble.
Shepherd leaders takes responsibility for the sheep and protects it; selfish leaders passes the buck around often blaming the sheep and looks for a scapegoat.
Shepherd leaders listens constantly to the voice of the chief shepherd - our lord Jesus to lead and to guide the flock; selfish leaders constantly looks to the world and its patterns and pick up weird ideas and strategies that ultimately confuses and scatters the sheep.
Shepherd leaders empowers and equips the sheep, selfish leaders brainwashes and manipulates the flock to be slaves.
Shepherd leaders are driven by the total well-being and growth of the flock; selfish leaders are driven by the total well-being and growth of themselves and their families.  
Shepherd leaders hold themselves accountable to the master and to their flock; selfish leaders claim accountability sometimes to God alone and are not accountable to anyone else.
Shepherd leaders don’t make a distinction between them and the sheep they lead; selfish leaders claim divine superiority, specialness and distinction from the flock they lead.
Shepherd leaders are generous at heart and give away their talents and treasures; selfish leaders will snatch away what little the sheep has and has only personal benefit in mind.
Shepherd leaders will slog out in silence and give their best for the sheep without expecting any credit: selfish leaders will look for maximum credit and adulation without breaking a sweat and will keep beating their own gas drums.
Shepherd leaders develop other leaders and move aside and make way for others to lead; selfish leaders create followers and sycophants and latch on to power as long as they can.
God comes down heavily on the selfish irresponsible shepherds in Eze 34: 9-10, “therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the Lord: This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against the shepherds and will hold them accountable for my flock. I will remove them from tending the flock so that the shepherds can no longer feed themselves. I will rescue my flock from their mouths, and it will no longer be food for them.”
Watch out for the selfish leaders, as in the time of Prophet Ezekiel, their ilk have only multiplied manifold in the present times, if you find any of these unhealthy patterns visible, it is time to be careful, watch out and stay away. Pray earnestly that God will raise up hundreds of shepherd leaders who are after God's own heart for His flock and if He calls you to be one, don’t hesitate, step in gladly to be a shepherd leader.


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