What India needs?

What India needs is not more of hatred, communal-ism, divisions, factions, riots and bloodshed based on religion, caste and color, nor more of scandals running to unbelievable and astronomical amounts or rupees but what it needs is development, mutual understanding, mutual respect, love and harmony. What it needs is not more rhetoric on religious fundamentalism nor more leaders who are criminals, mass murderers, rapists, power hungry, hatemongers who spew the venom of hatred and violence in order to keep us divided baying for each others blood and they being successful in harvesting the votes so that they can rule over us with disdain, but what India needs is true leaders who have integrity at their core, who are humble to serve others and the country than themselves, who do not preach anti-corruption but live it out, who are not just 'common men' for the sake of the media but common and ordinary day in and day out, who have the inclusive development and progress of the country as their driving passion and vision.

What we need is leaders who can rise above the ordinary and realize the basic human rights of millions of people- to overcome the degradation of crippling poverty, to live dignified lives, that every child in India will have a chance to be educated, that every person can earn a livelihood, to be respected and treated equally irrespective of gender or caste, to be heard and informed, to improve the quality of life, to contribute to the building of the nation meaningfully. What India needs is not more of freebies and subsidies, not more of reservations and corruption at every level  but what it needs is consistent development on key growth factors like health, infrastructure, agriculture, industry with utmost human ethics and morality in place. What India needs is not more of the MNC's and billionaires getting richer but the millions of poor getting adequate wealth through meaningful means of engagement and the marginalized and oppressed being brought to the mainstream.

What India needs is visionary leader's who can galvanize every Indian to achieve their maximum potential for the greater good of the country not leaders who promise to deliver the moon on a platter if elected to power but will even snatch that platter away once they come to power. What India needs is people who are true at their core, who are trust worthy because of who they are; not voracious wolfs in sheep's clothing who run propaganda machines to project themselves as "good and development oriented" but in reality rotten at their core. But alas we deserve this because we do not speak up, we are not wiling to change, we are happy with the status-quo as long as we are safe and our selfish  interests and progress are met.

 It is time we the common man speak up and speak out and engage and be the change so that our country will be transformed. Our vote is valuable, it matters how we cast it, let us choose wisely, Vote responsibly and above all let us join our hands in Prayer beseeching the Lord to bring the right people to power, people who are just, who have integrity, who are God fearing and willing to serve the masses of this country. 


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