Celebrity, Fame, Depression, Suicide

Do you see a familiar connection between those words above?  Another star has taken that route, we are shocked to hear the untimely death of Bollywood star Sushant Singh Rajput. He has joined the ever growing list of stars who have chosen the easy way out of life. Couple of years back it was the death of Chester Bennington of the Likin Park fame which  shocked many of the music lovers who had followed him for close to over a decade. But his is just one among the many sudden and untimely deaths of movie stars and musicians at their prime who had either taken their own lives or died in suspicious circumstances. From Marilyn Monroe, Kurt Cobain to Heath Ledger, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Prince and now Chester Bennington the list is long. They seemed to have it all, millions of fans following, right at the zenith of fame, multi-millionaires, celebrities in their own right, the who’s who of the Music and film world. But what went wrong for them?  

For their fans they were epitome of glitz and glamour, the ones to look-up to and emulate but when you take closer look at their lives we find that things were not as all good as it seemed to be at the backstage. Most of them perennially struggled with drugs and alcohol, and their personal lives were in shambles, some were trapped in depression for many years. They were personally unfulfilled, craving for more and desperately searching for that elusive something in spite of being insanely famous or rich. 

Does fame, money and power automatically guarantee personal fulfilment and success? If it did then none of these celebrities had to tragically end their lives the way they did at a young age. So then what is that elixir of life, that secret formula, that elusive something that they were searching for? Many years ago Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician and physicist understood this quest of mankind and said something very profound, he said, “There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the creator, made known through Jesus”. Mankind for ages has been trying to fill that vacuum with different man made things like fame, money, sex, drugs, alcohol, pornography etc which gave some kind of temporary fulfillment but they were back to square one in no time and were craving for more. None of it could really satisfy the longing of our hearts, our hearts are restless till we find rest in our creator.

You might be going, “Oh!!! Come on this is religion stuff, I don’t want to have any part with it, I am fed up with all that crazy extreme religious nonsense that people are doing all around, hatred, killing, violence, terrorism, man!! Enough of it”. Yeah, if it is about "a religion", I too will agree with you but what if it is about "a relationship"! An amazing relationship with an awesome person who loves us unconditionally and invites us gently to know Him personally, He is Jesus! He is calling us to come to Him and find rest, He said I can give you an abundant life without doing any drugs or alcohol, He can meet the longing of our hearts and satisfy our soul, He can fill that vacuum and give meaning and fulfillment for our lives. Would you like to know Him?

Click this link to know more about this amazing relationship https://www.cru.org/how-to-know-god/would-you-like-to-know-god-personally.html


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