Mission Effectiveness
Last Friday we had a great time enjoying God's presence in fasting and prayer and God used the speaker in a powerful way. Some of his quotes were insightful and thought provoking, the one that got my attention and kept me thinking was, "the outward thrust in the mission of any church or organization is directly proportionate to the inward dynamics of the organization or church". We are studying the book of Acts as a team and in the first few chapters what is obvious is the inward dynamics (Fullness of the Spirit, genuine love, prayer, care , share, word)and the outward dynamics (Boldly preaching the word and witnessing) of the church resulting in rapid growth and transformed lives.
Another quote from the speaker on missions was, "it is not just our actions but even our reactions are an integral part of mission" i.e. preaching the gospel, taking care of the needy are some of our actions to reach out but that alone does not make up missions, our reactions in the process for example; if we are opposed or persecuted or ridiculed how we react to it is an integral part of mission. So beware of our own reactions, it matters.
Another quote from the speaker on missions was, "it is not just our actions but even our reactions are an integral part of mission" i.e. preaching the gospel, taking care of the needy are some of our actions to reach out but that alone does not make up missions, our reactions in the process for example; if we are opposed or persecuted or ridiculed how we react to it is an integral part of mission. So beware of our own reactions, it matters.
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