Peace that surpasses all human understanding

Peace is something that every human being is searching for, it is something core to our heart, we long for peace in our minds and heart. Quest for peace has been an eternal human endeavour and mankind has been substituting many other things in his pursuit for peace whether it is religion, success, money, materials, drugs, alcohol or sex and have miserably failed in finding peace. We know that we can find peace in Jesus, he is the Prince of peace and He said in the Gospel of John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid". The moment we trust Him as our Lord and Savior we experience this wonderful and unexplainable peace. But the sad part is that many Christians find it difficult to experience this peace in their daily life on an ongoing basis.

The bible talks about peace that surpasses all human understanding, a kind of peace that the world cannot give or even understand but we find that this kind of peace is constantly eluding us. What is the problem? Is it our misconception about peace? Is it that we are not aware of its existence? Or is it because of our own fleshly efforts to try and solve our worries and anxieties ? In Philippians 4:6 & 7 Apostle Paul talks about this Kind of Peace. He says, "do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus".

We lose our peace because of worries and anxieties of this life. We think that peace is a state of being, an out of the world experience where we are in perfect calm and harmony, where everything around us is serene and perfect, where there are no problems or worries, is that the kind of peace that God is offering us? Many of us try out Yoga, deep breathing or meditation to experience inner peace. Is that what the Bible is talking about? No! I think the kind of peace that God is offering us is, right in the midst of problems, turmoils and troubles, pain and suffering, loss and heartaches we will experience perfect peace that the people of this world around us will never be able to figure out. This kind of peace comes from a deep conviction that God is in control of every situation of our lives and He is working everything together for our good and ultimately God makes all things beautiful in His time. All I need to do is take my anxieties and problems to His presence in prayer and thanksgiving. Prayer; because He is our loving father, our helper and refuge, he is waiting to hear His children call, thanksgiving; because God has already taken care of it.

Are you experiencing peace that surpasses all understanding right when you have a sickness in the family or when you are broke and in dire need of finances, when you have been misunderstood for no reason by your boss and colleagues or when you are having relationship issues with your family members and you have reached a point where you feel everyone and everything seems to be going against you? Bring it to God's feet, there is no problem too big for HIM!! He is offering us peace that surpasses all understanding.


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