One of the earliest memories of Christmas deeply etched
in my memory is the Christmas celebration at my ancestral home. My grandfather
would organize a big celebration on the Christmas day, starting off the day with
an early church service followed by the festivities culminating in a big meal.
Many of my relatives would be invited, the house would be filled with uncles,
aunts and cousins running around. But the most memorable aspect of the day was that he would
not forget to invite all the workers and helpers who had been involved with him
in some way or the other over the years. Most of them were from the lower strata of
the society, they would come as whole families, they were given gifts and new
dress and were treated to a sumptuous meal. He would oversee all this with a
large heart and at the end of the day he would slump into his reclining chair
with a look of satisfaction and fulfillment written all over his face
Very early in my life this was ingrained in my
psyche that Christmas is all about giving - God giving his only son Jesus as a
gift to the whole world and the Son giving His life as a ransom for mankind’s
sins. God is the greatest giver of all no one can beat that but this is the
time of the year that we as mortal humans can emulate this to a certain extent
and give and be generous to people in
need around us. In a world caught up in the throes of ‘getting’ and ‘receiving’,
with the catch word being ‘give me more’ or ‘Yeh dil mange more’ (my heart
needs more) it is difficult to be cheerful givers. Probably the first thought
that comes to our mind will be, what about “my” Christmas celebration, what about my
family, the new dress, the cakes and gifts for the kids etc that we are
planning. No doubt, that is important and we need to enjoy the time with our
families and dear ones but if the celebration is limited to only them that’s
when Christmas loses its real meaning.
We are living in an “i” generation with everything
coming out designed for the individual, be it iPad or iPhone or a i20 car. It is
when we can elevate and liberate our thoughts from the self-centric individualistic level to being other-centric, to those who are suffering, downtrodden
and underprivileged around us and be willing to reach out and meet their needs then the Joy of Christmas becomes real, it is a shared joy, the Joy of giving.
Remember the good news of the birth of Jesus, the King of Kings was
not first proclaimed to the rulers or in a palace to the rich but to the lowly
downtrodden shepherds sleeping out in the field. Jesus himself said in Luke 4:18, “The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has
sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the
blind, to set the oppressed free”.
What are your plans for this Christmas? Would you
take a moment to think of someone who is in need or marginalized in the society
around you? Would you share this joy of
Christmas with them? Try it out! There is no greater joy or fulfillment than
the one found in generously giving and sharing what God has bountifully blessed
us with, however little that might be.
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