Looking back and looking forward
We are inching closer to the end of another eventful
year with some of us still wondering, “What! So fast! It seemed just like
yesterday that we began the New Year.” As 2015 rushes past us and as we are
ushered in to another new year with no idea of what is in store for us, there
are things that have happened this year that has shaken us, tugged at our
hearts and few things that have encouraged us but most of it has been
shocking, disturbing and painful.
Unimaginable violence, bloodshed and destruction to
the scale that has not been witnessed since the last world war has passed
before our eyes as if in a silver screen. Hatred, intolerance and fanaticism is
alarmingly rising in societies that has lived in harmony and togetherness for decades.
Millions of people have been killed in wars, terrorism and violence mainly
related to religion and fundamentalism last year. Thousands have been uprooted
and displaced from their countries and their homes to become refugees fleeing to
unknown countries with their lives and with whatever little they could lay
their hands on. Thousands of innocent children
who are caught in the cross fire have been orphaned, injured and maimed for no
fault of theirs. The over exploitation and rampant destruction that we have
done to the environment in the name of development has only increased the
number of natural disasters and calamities striking back with a vengeance one
after other in different parts of the world.
Yet through all this there have been events that have
shown us glimpses of grace and kindness, rays of hope and love. In different
corners of the world we have seen humanity rise up when faced with an adversity
to reach out with amazing solidarity and love for their fellow human beings irrespective
of all the man made division and
barriers of religion, class, caste or language. Be it in countries opening up their borders
and reaching out to the influx of refugees and welcoming them or where fellow sufferers
affected by a flood or earthquake rising up voluntarily and mobilizing rescue
and relief and helping the affected people, we see glimpses of it around us.
As we look forward to the New Year there are apprehension’s
and fears of what is in store for us. Will this be a better one than last year,
will there be peace and stability around us, and will the New Year bring prosperity
and joy? These are anxious questions that are running around in our minds. Well,
with everything around us changing and being in a constant flux we can predict
or guarantee nothing.
But what give us immense courage, hope and confidence despite
the ominous dark clouds and the gathering storm around us is that there are few things that are constant and unchanging.
We can look forward to the New Year with bright hope and great expectation because of these three constants:
Word of God – The eternal and unchanging word of God
says, in the Gospel of Mathew 24:35 “Heaven and earth will pass away but my
words will never pass away” Whatever may happen around us, be it the greatest disaster
or deluge or even if the very foundation of the earth may shake, one thing that
we can hold on in the new year with all our confidence is the word of God. That
never changes come what may.
Rock of Ages - Jesus
Christ who is the same yesterday, today and forever (Heb 13:8) who is our rock
of ages, our eternal and immutable God is with us forever. He has promised that
whatever happens around us be it the greatest disaster or the worst storm that
will ever hit us, Jesus says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Deut
31:6) and “Surely I will be with you even to the very end of age”. (Mat 28:20). What more assurance do we need!
Promises of God – That is one secure place that we can
stand on as we look forward to the New Year. Bible says in 2 Corinthians 1:20, “For
all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen.” He is a promise
keeping God and we can confidently approach His throne of grace based on what Christ
has done for us on the cross and appropriate all His promises for our lives.
As we prepare our hearts during this season of Christmas
remembering the event that happened 2000 years back, when the God of this
universe stepped out of eternity, into space and time and chose to become one like
His creation so that we could become like Him, His sons and daughter’s let us
also look forward to the new year holding on to this three unchanging elements.
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