Stand in the Gap – A call to Intercede
Recently I was deeply impacted
and convicted after studying three amazing prayers of intercession recorded in Ezra chapter 9, Nehemiah leading the people in
chapter 9 and Daniel 9; hmm…Interesting it is all 9 right, does it have
anything thing to do with number 9? Well, I have no clue on that. But as I
studied those chapters I was astounded at their heart of intercession- standing
in the Gap for their nation, their people and crying out to almighty God on
behalf of them. As God’s chosen leaders and shepherd’s their concern for the
spiritual growth and well-being of their people was paramount and that reflects
so vividly in their prayers that are passionate, heart rendering and powerful that
the end result is corporate and national confession and repentance resulting in
a spiritual revival of the whole nation.
As you read through the
three beautiful prayers of intercession - servant leaders crying out to God,
you see so many similarities that are striking:
1. It all starts with the reading of the Word. Neh 9 ;3 & Dan 9:2.
2. There was a spirit of complete brokenness and absolute dependence. Putting on sack cloth, sitting in ashes and
fasting. Ezra 9:3, Neh 9:1, Dan 9:3
3. True personal and corporate confession of sins and repentance. No mask, no hypocrisy
but brutal honesty before God.
4. Calling out to Gods covenant faithfulness and His promises. Ezra 9:8 &15; Neh 9:8 &32; Dan 9:4
5. A deep and genuine concern for the spiritual condition of their people and a holy passion to draw them close to God.
6. Their prayer was not for their personal gain or their
families benefit but for their people and their beloved nation.
7. They had spiritual eyes of discernment to see what was wrong with the nation and what needs to be done
to correct it.
8. It was all about His name - all three had one vision, “ to make Gods name great & known”
Dan 9:19; Neh 9:10
As Gods chosen leaders
who are called to move people to His agenda, in such a time as this, our
primary duty is to stand in the Gap for our people and for our nation. There is
nothing more powerful and world changing than that. The power of intercession
is unimaginable – nations have been shaken, kingdoms have fallen down, entire
countries have seen revival and transformation, churches have been re-energised,
missions have seen sudden outbursts of growth and millions of lives have been
touched because a faithful few have knelt in absolute brokenness and total dependence
on Him. But in order to do so we need to have a heart of a shepherd to
understand the condition and needs of the flock and to build them up
spiritually. If our hearts are not
broken by the mess and terrible things that are happening in the church and
missions today then we have become completely immune and calloused in our
hearts as Jesus Says, we have eyes but cannot see and have ears but cannot
listen. That is a terrible place
for a leader to be in.
In the early church if
the leaders intentionally set apart their time on teaching the word, interceding
in prayer for the believers and the church (Acts 6:2-4), building the flock spiritually,
protecting them from false teaching, loving them and caring for them, rebuking
and correcting and equipping them for every good work; today's leaders many of
them are so busy basically firefighting peripheral issues, jumping from one
meeting & conferences to another, jet-setting and globe trotting, playing power games and politics, building personality
cults and fiefdoms, exploiting and finishing off their flock as Prophet Ezekiel
says in chapter 34:1-7 ‘Shepherds who feed ravenously on their own flock that
God has entrusted them’. In biblical paradigm the shepherd or leader lives and
dies for his flock, in today’s missional paradigm the sheep lives and dies for
the shepherd and that is a sad testimony for the church.
Time is running out, situation
is getting graver by the day, the unfinished task of missions is looming large ahead
of us and more than ever we need hundreds of Cross-broken shepherds who are willing
to stand in the gap and intercede for our people and for our nation. As E. M.
Bounds the champion of Prayer aptly puts it, “What the Church needs to-day is not more machinery or better,
not new organizations or more and novel methods, but men whom the Holy Ghost
can use -- men of prayer, men mighty in prayer. The Holy Ghost does not flow
through methods, but through men. He does not come on machinery, but on men. He
does not anoint plans, but men -- men of prayer.”
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