Finding meaning and making sense of a Global Crisis
How do you make sense of an unprecedented calamity of Global proportion? How do you find your bearings in the sudden and crazy turn of events around you? In the last couple of weeks literally everything has gone for
a toss, the lines have been altered drastically, the way we live, behave,
communicate, work, move around, celebrate, worship etc. almost every aspect of
life. It has been a big jolt for most of us from our reverie of life, stuck at
home, being fearful of this terrible virus lurking at every corner, occasionally
stepping out of our houses with utmost caution, our faces covered with mask’s
against an unseen lethal enemy, scrambling to stockpile our homes with
provisions for the lock-down and lathering our hands constantly with soap to
keep the tiny killer at bay or otherwise fiddling away on our smartphones, immersed
in our social media apps and frequently switching to see how the dreaded virus
is faring city-state–nation and worldwide (that seems to be the most preferred
order of progression.)
For many of the high-flying, jet setting professionals who
were hopping from one meeting to another, things have come to a grinding halt.
Being stuck in day long drudgery of meetings at home in front of a novel app called
Zoom, the founder of which has laughed his way to the banks, hardly in a span
of two months. The partying has ceased, food and travel industry has shut shop,
tipplers are running high and dry, the killer virus and the need of social
distancing has kept people away from all kinds of night life, both promiscuity
and infidelity, crime rate has reduced, there is no prime time debates on communal
and citizenship issues, (probably because, now our citizenship on this very
earth itself is at stake) the noise and rabble rousing has stopped, celebrities
are trying to figure out how to make face-time on smartphones and TV screens to
stay relevant. Come to think of it, growing up, have we ever imagined that ‘staying
home’ can even save lives? But as
Charles Dickens said, these are the worst of times and the best of times.
I am not sure if you have noticed, there are some beautiful
things happening around us in this tragic times, our world is healing,
pollution levels are at an all-time low, our little planet earth is suddenly
all quiet, vibrant with green and blue, we can actually see those colors not
the usual haze, at least till ‘we’ get back to ‘our normalcy’. Wild animals are
having the best time of their lives, freely roaming on our streets, oh sorry was
it theirs that we encroached upon, while we are all now locked up inside. All of
a sudden, our perspective on life and our priorities has changed. The things
that we were madly chasing after, we have realized that it is of not much use,
things that we considered as an absolute necessity in life has now become rubbish.
We don’t need those branded items; we can do with anything now. We have
realized that we are not the center of the universe and life would go on just
as usual even without our presence. We have realized that money, fame, or power
will not save us from this virus, in fact it seems to have a preferential liking
for those things. For thousands of people affected by the virus and the
hundreds who have recovered from it, life has attained a new meaning,
priorities have changed and it has become of paramount worth to live on things
that matter. Modern medicines and advanced health care facilities even if we
are in the most developed country, is no guarantee for survival in this
pandemic. The biggest irony is that people who never believed in a God because
they could not touch, see or feel Him are now running scared of a virus which
they cannot touch, see or feel and they are now re-calibrating if there really
is a God. Life and death has become a crucial question at this juncture for
Trying to find meaning and making sense of a crisis is the
most difficult aspect of life, we are bombarded by a barrage of questions,
where is God in human suffering- in pain and death? Why is God allowing this
pandemic? What is His purpose in all this? Recently one student asked me, you
guys always say in times of crisis that God is in control, if God is really in
control then why is this happening? Well these are tough questions and we don’t
have easy answers for any of them. But we have people in the Bible who found
meaning and purpose in their times of crisis, they also asked similar questions
and found answers as they journeyed with God.
Job, had a terrible personal crisis, a total wipe-out in a
span of few hours, remember God allowed that in his sovereign will, Job was
completely devastated, his friends were against him, His wife was mocking him
to curse God and die, but his perspective was clear, he corrects her by saying,
shall we accept only good from God and not trouble? Job 2:10. Again in Chapter
19 verse 25 Job proclaims with all his confidence that, I know my redeemer
lives, and that he will see God in his flesh. That kind of a solid confidence
in spite of the utter hopelessness that he is in, comes from a deep and profound
knowledge and experience of who God is and the closer a person is walking with
God the stronger is his confidence in Him.
Another person who was facing a calamity of national
proportion was prophet Habakkuk, he was complaining about the current spiritual
climate in his nation, how people have walked away from God, how they were
indulging in violence, how they have gone away from God’s word and become evil
and unjust; why is God tolerating all this? God gives a shocking and totally
unexpected reply to the prophet, He says, I am sending a calamity that you
won’t believe, I am sending the Babylonians, a cruel and ungodly nation to
punish His children Israel. Habakkuk is at a loss; he is unable to understand
what God is doing? He raises the tempo of his complaint and asks; how can a
loving and just God allow the utterly evil Babylonians to punish people who are
better than them? Does God leave him hanging there without an answer? No! God
answers the prophet, He gives him a personal and a global response.
God tells Habakkuk in Chapter 2:4 that all he personally
needs to do in this crisis is to trust Him, to live by faith. We don’t have to
be anxious and worried about the global crisis, we can’t change anything about
it, there is no use fretting over things that we don’t have control over, but
instead trust the one who has perfect control over all things. God is asking us
to rest and Be still in Him.
Then God goes on to give His global purpose of why He allows
certain things in Verses 13 & 14, He says, He will destroy the nations
pride, what they have built up, their fame and glory He will bring it to
nothing, and then He will fill the earth with the knowledge of the Glory of the
Lord as the water’s cover the sea. That’s Gods purpose for the world, for all
the nations and its people to Know His glory and He is doing that right now
even through this crisis, we can see that in the hospitals, in the ICU wards, among
the police personals, government servants and national leaders, in the streets
of different cities people are turning to God, they are crying out to Him and
He is being worshiped. We have never ever seen a pandemic of such a global
scale, there is not a country that has been spared, God has allowed it in His
sovereign knowledge and wisdom, He is once more shaking the very foundations of
the earth and He is calling our attention to Him. Be Still! My soul, find rest in Him, He is doing something in our days that we cannot even believe. The Knowledge of the Glory of
the Lord is filling this earth.
Wonderful thought, God bless